Mon - Sat 8:00 - 6:30
Mon - Sat 8:00 - 6:30
In renewable energy sectors, for example Solar, parts like PV cells, PV modules, module frames are manufactured at different location. Keeping track of flow & time by which it reaches the destination is critical. Timely & error free delivery of material, lowest possible logistical cost during manufacturing process is a challenging task.
Energy industries like petroleum, natural gas etc are facing the problem to keep track of expensive machinery & hazardous substances. Maintenance cost is increasing & efficiency is decreasing in the production.
RFID provides complete visibility in tracking the material throughout the supply chain, traceability & identification of the material. Also, it reduces the downtime of the production there by increasing the throughput & profitability. Pilferage of the material can be avoided using RFID. Arising bottleneck in the production floor can be easily detected & resolved.
RFID in production floor- Failures,disasters that are responsible for the stoppage of production can be minimized. Due to tracking technology, time wasted on searching missing equipment can be utilized.Maintenance of the equipment can be done on time. Labor utilization can be improved.
RFID in warehouse- Entry/exit of the materials into the warehouse can be traced properly. Inventory is managed which supports production floor to out of stock situation.
RFID in power plants- Auditing can be done without any interruption. Pilferage of the equipment can be avoided. Low efficient equipment can be quickly identified & replaced.